You Can't Make This Sh$t Up: Strange, Weird and Little Known Stories of Southern Alberta

You Can't Make This Sh$t Up: Strange, Weird and Little Known Stories of Southern Alberta


In 1905, according to an account from Andy Staysko, a man with a trained bear showed up in Lethbridge and, after the pair quenched their thirst for 30-40 minutes at the river bottom brewery, the man laid down and promptly fell asleep. The bear however stayed awake and proceeded to roam about in circles making threatening mooing sounds and occasionally rearing up on its hind legs to scare anyone who dared approach. A short time later his owner awoke perfectly refreshed and they wandered off down Ford Street (now Second Ave. S.) looking for a place to perform. This story and many others like it are detailed in author Belinda Crowson’s collection of her favourite early Lethbridge stories. These stories are arranged chronologically by decade and are presented as found by the author.

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You Can't Make This Sh$t Up: Strange, Weird and Little Known Stories of Southern Alberta by Belinda Crowson (88 p.) [Occasional Paper No. 58]. 2017.

46_Canadian_Pacific_High_Level_Bridge_at_Lethbridge_2008.jpg 46_Canadian_Pacific_High_Level_Bridge_at_Lethbridge_2008.jpg

Canadian Pacific Railway High Level Bridge at Lethbridge


The Prairie Boys: Southern Alberta's Wartime Experiences


The Alberta Stretch of the Milk River and the mystic of its surrounding landscape


Upon Further Reflection

We Don't Talk About Those Women: Lethbridge's Red Light District 1880's to 1940

We Don't Talk About Those Women: Lethbridge's Red Light District 1880's to 1940
