The Alberta Stretch of the Milk River and the mystic of its surrounding landscape

The Alberta Stretch of the Milk River and the mystic of its surrounding landscape


The Milk River rises in western Montana, flows north from Montana through Alberta and then returns to Montana in the eastern half of the state. The focus of the book is on the landscape, the geology, and the people around the river since it flows through an area with sub-humid to semi-desert soil climatic environment. Take a journey down the Milk River and learn about its rich history, and create a deeper understanding of this vital area of Southern Alberta.

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The Alberta Stretch of the Milk River and the Mystique of its Surrounding Landscape by J. F. Dormaar [Occasional Paper No. 52]. 2010.

54_Southern_Alberta's_sugar-coated_history_ the_sugar_beet_industry.jpg

Southern Alberta's Sugar-Coated History: The Sugar Beet Industry


Five Celebrated Early Surgeons of Southern Alberta 1974-1913


Upon Further Reflection

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