Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge's Cemeteries

Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge's Cemeteries


In her book, author Belinda Crowson expertly guides readers on “self-guided” tours of St. Patrick Cemetery and Mountain View Cemetery which are Lethbridge’s two largest and oldest cemeteries. The histories of these and several other local cemeteries are described but most of the book retells stories and details about the lives of more than two hundred local citizens interred at these sites. Vice, Virtue and Lust will particularly appeal to those exploring family history or simply enhancing their understanding of the social, political and economic history of Lethbridge. Includes locations, descriptions and photographs of particularly noteworthy monuments, an index of names and a list of further reading.

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Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge's Cemeteries by Belinda Crowson (96p.) [Occasional paper No. 47]. 2008.

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