Military History Bundle

Military History Bundle
In this limited-time bundle, learn about Southern Alberta’s military past at one low price from local authors, Garry Allison and Brett Clifton!
Books included in this bundle:
The Prairie Boys: Southern Alberta's Wartime Experiences - Canada has a long history of sending people into foreign war zones, serving as combative soldiers, air and naval personnel. Southern Albertans, the youths from the prairies which were mostly in their late teens and twenties, have played a significant role in this world in the First World War, the Second World War and the Korean War. You can see that contribution in the attestation of the cenotaphs and military memorial sections of rural and city cemeteries. This book explores the stories of a handful of boys and girls, men and women who went into the Canadian Armed Forces, and others who stayed at home.
A Battalion of our Own: 113th Overseas Battalion CEF The Lethbridge Highlanders - This little-known historical vignette, produced for the centennial of the First World War, is a treasure for the City of Lethbridge and nearby small towns to commemorate the establishment of the Lethbridge Highlanders and its brief role as a fighting unit the war. Although it was only a short time before men were redeployed to fortify other units in Europe, the 113th Lethbridge Highlanders was a source of local pride as “A Battalion of Our Own.” The 901 officers and non-commissioned men who answered the Highlanders’ call to arms came from not only Lethbridge but also men from many other Canadian locations in 1915, an enduring source of pride and honour to this day.