Lethbridge's Vice Collection

Lethbridge's Vice Collection
Well-known local historian, Belinda Crowson, shares Lethbridge’s decadent history In this limited-time bundle, you can get all 4 of her Vice books at one low price!
Books included in this bundle:
Squirrel Whiskey, Mr. R. and Prohibition in Southern Alberta - More of a popular account than a scholarly one, this book covers many details about Alberta’s Prohibition not told in wider-ranging works. Not strictly chronological and without an index, the text should be read closely to avoid missing important, relevant and fascinating historical details during the eight years of the absence of “the demon rum.” Many excellent photographs from both the Galt Museum and Archives and Glenbow Archives enhance the story.
You Can't Make This Sh$t Up: Strange, Weird and Little Known Stories of Southern Alberta - In 1905, according to an account from Andy Staysko, a man with a trained bear showed up in Lethbridge and, after the pair quenched their thirst for 30-40 minutes at the river bottom brewery, the man laid down and promptly fell asleep. The bear, however, stayed awake and proceeded to roam about in circles making threatening mooing sounds and occasionally rearing up on its hind legs to scare anyone who dared approach. A short time later his owner awoke perfectly refreshed and they wandered off down Ford Street (now Second Ave. S.) looking for a place to perform. This story and many others like it are detailed in author Belinda Crowson’s collection of her favourite early Lethbridge stories. These stories are arranged chronologically by decade and are presented as found by the author.
We Don't Talk About Those Women: Lethbridge's Red Light District 1880s to 1940 - Lethbridge’s Red Light District was seldom mentioned until author Belinda Crowson started giving tours of downtown Lethbridge. An anonymous concerned citizen called her one night to let her know that it was not “appropriate” to talk about those women and the controversial history that went along with them. Citizens tried to bury and hide this topic for over 100 years, so this book stands to uncover all of the stories and secrets. Through these stories, we can understand how the Red Light District connects with and explains much of Lethbridge's history and society. The women who worked there seemed like a world apart from most people, but they were tightly woven into Lethbridge’s fabric and made the city what it is today.
Vice, Virtue and Lust: Lethbridge's Cemeteries - In her book, author Belinda Crowson expertly guides readers on “self-guided” tours of St. Patrick Cemetery and Mountain View Cemetery which are Lethbridge’s two largest and oldest cemeteries. The histories of these and several other local cemeteries are described but most of the book retells stories and details about the lives of more than two hundred local citizens interred at these sites. Vice, Virtue and Lust will particularly appeal to those exploring family history or simply enhancing their understanding of Lethbridge's social, political and economic history. Includes locations, descriptions, and photographs of particularly noteworthy monuments, as well as an index of names and a list of further reading.