Andrew Malcolm, will share insights into the largest revitalization project on the go: the complete reconstruction of 3rd Avenue South between 4th and 8th Street. This project includes underground infrastructure replacement, street lane narrowing, wider sidewalks, and enhancement of the public realm including street trees, lighting, and furniture. A particularly interesting component of this project was unearthing the streetcar tracks which were operational between 1912 and 1947.
The talk will dive into the details of the project including its beginning in master planning documents and the many steps since that were required to get to the point of construction. Perspective will be provided in terms of where this project fits in with other revitalization efforts and what can be expected in the next few years for Lethbridge’s urban core.
Andrew Malcolm RPP, MCIP is a professional planner with the City of Lethbridge. He is currently in the City Manager’s Office in the role of Urban Revitalization Manager working on leading the design, planning, transformation, and revitalization of the city’s urban core. This role is quite unique and challenging in that it requires continually balancing multiple demands and perspectives including but not limited to: planning and policy, economic development, historic preservation, infrastructure provision and social and community development.
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