Lethbridge -- 100,000+ People!


Lethbridge -- 100,000+ People!

Today, the City of Lethbridge announced that their latest municipal census shows a population of 101,482.

To give that some historical perspective:

  • 1890 (year 1st census was held in Lethbridge and Lethbridge became a Town) -population of Lethbridge was 1,478

  • 1906 (year Lethbridge became a City) -population of Lethbridge was 2,636

  • 1911 (year the photograph connected to this post was taken) --population of Lethbridge was 9,242

  • 1921 -- population of Lethbridge was 11,097

  • 1955 (year Province of Alberta turned 50) -- population of Lethbridge was 28,300

  • 1967 (year of Canadian Centennial) -- population of Lethbridge was 37,022

  • 1985 (year Lethbridge celebrated 100 years of a prairie community and 100 years of being called Lethbridge) -- population of Lethbridge was 59,901

Congrats to the City of Lethbridge- City Hall

#yql #Lethbridge

Belinda Crowson